How to Provide Liquidity
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You can provide liquidity to VirtuSwap pools by following these steps:
Go to "Liquidity" tab on the app
Click on the “Add Liquidity” button
Select the pair of native tokens the pool is composed of
Once you choose the two tokens - the "Pool composition" screen will pop-up, with containing the following details:
"Native assets": amount of each of the two native tokens in the pool
"Current reserves": list of reserves currently held by the pool, and the share the reserves are from the total pool TVL
"Allowed": list of additional tokens that the pool can hold as "reserve", but are not currently held by the pool.
"Maximum Reserve Threshold" - the maximum amount that all reserves in the pools can reach (e.g. 2% of the total pool TVL).
"Current reserves value" - the current US$ value and % share of reserves of total TVL.
and the "Total Pool TVL".
Note that if a pool with the selected Native assets doesn't exist, you will see the same screen with "0" values.
State the amount of the first token to obtain the required amount of the second token to provide liquidity. Press “Approve” buttons to approve and follow instructions in the pop-up window your wallet provider will present.
Click "Preview" to review your liquidity provision, including your share in the pool from providing the liquidity and click “Confirm supply” to execute your liquidity provision. Follow the steps in your wallet service provider pop-up screen
That’s it! You will be redirected to the “Staking” screen. Now you can see all the pools you have provided liquidity to, alongside your positions summary and options to stake/unstake $VRSW and positions to increase reward share (see Staking Guide).