Holds the parameters for VirtuSwap Tokenomics formulas
The key parameters of the VirtuSwap Reward Formula are:
r - The compound rate of duration of reward boost calculation
b - The reward boost coefficients for locking VRSW per unit of locking time:
α (alpha) - Parameter describing the importance of LP token staking in reward boost computation
β (beta) - Parameter describing the importance of VRSW staking/locking in reward boost computation
γ (gamma) - Parameter describing the curvature of reward boost for locking VRSW as a function of locking duration,
The default values of the parameters are as follows:
r = 0.693 / ((365 * 8 + 366 * 2 ) * 24 * 60 * 60) (that's 0.693 / {number of seconds in 10 years})
b = 1 / {number of seconds in 10 years}
α = 1
β =0.5
γ = 1
event UpdateTokenomicsParams
Issued when tokenomics parameters are updated in updateParams method
State-changing functions
function updateParams
Issues UpdateTokenomicsParams event.
✏️Can only be called by the owner
Last updated